Our Programmes
Yuva Vikas Mandal works for the empowerment of deprived sections of women, child and youth to ensures their overall holistic development. Our program emphasizes broadly on the effective governance and capacitating the target groups for accessing legal entitlements and enjoying the fundamental rights enriched in the constitution of India. The main on-going programmes are Migrants Resilience Collaborative (MRC), Education Programme (Dignity Centre Model), Violence against women and girls (Protecting Sexual Violence) and Garima Abhiyan.
Garima Abhiyan
Under the Garima Abhiyan, YVM is working to annihilate the caste-based occupation like manual scavenger’s women who are engaged in removing human excreta from dry latrines. These women are living in acute poverty and facing burnt of untouchability and discrimination. We encourage these women to abandon this inhuman practice and end their slavery through raising their voice in the community meetings, PRI meetings, and through rallies. We have liberated around 700 women from manual scavenging practice and organized them in women’s collectives. Women collectives are strengthened and further provided information on legal entitlements and rehabilitation schemes. For rehabilitation of these liberated women, we have applied two-fold approach (a) access of government welfare schemes, legal entitlements and rehabilitation provision and (b) promoting skill training and alternative livelihoods. The Same kind of the intervention has been taking place with another caste-based prostitution community woman and their children namely 'Bedia' community in Sagar district.

Youth Leadership development Program

Youth Development Program is one of the key programmes of YVM which collaborated with Nehru Yuva Kendra. It helps youth to enhance their leadership skills and sensitivity about their civic rights and legal provisions. At the district level, many workshops are organized by the YVM. In the workshops, youths take participate in skill-based activities, preparation of competitive exams, providing with career guidance, personality development programmes and training programmes. Youths developed as a social advocate; awareness campaigns are conducted for the dissemination of information on legal entitlements and government provisions for strengthening their participation in local governance. They assist and counsel the deprived and affected families to ensure their rights for social justice by providing them with legal, social and emotional support.
Education Program
YVM works with “Dignity Centre Model” to educate the children of manual scavenger community, bonded labour as well as marginalized farmers. Through this program education-related support is being provided to them to reduce and eradicate the high level of dropout rate and free them from in engaging inhuman practice. They are engaged with activities like Bal-Panchayat, sports, exposure visit and workshops are being organized to make them more confident and sensitize about the importance of education. Besides, the Scholarship programs are being effectively implemented by YVM in the schools. This program has been developed and designed by a collective of 12 organizations called Rashtriya Garima Abhiyan which exclusively works for total eradication of caste-based occupation like manual scavenging practice in Indian Society.

Balika Sanrakshan

The programme focuses for empowering girl child from age group of 9 to 18 years old. They have been provided with legal support, counselling and training. They have been provided exposure to the judicial system. 25 villages of Sehore district been covered under this programme. Balika Panchayat has been established in project areas. The victim of sexual abuse been provided with legal support as well as education support to continue their education. They also provided with personality development classes to develop leadership skills.
Safe Migration
Studies shows that a large number of families from lower socio-economic backgrounds have been out-migrating to the big cities in search of work which often leads to them getting exploited at the hands of contractors/employers. This project has been initiated to ensure safe migration of laborers engaged in the construction sector and to reduce the modern form of slavery, keeping in mind their safety, security, and rights. The objective of the to reduce the exploitation of workers, ensure their wages, reduce their vulnerability and avail them from various schemes of the government like BOCW, Ayushman Bharat etc. The YVM will have a right based approach and ensure that every worker receives their due entitlements, not only from contractors/employers but government as well. The work on this project is to be based in Sagar district.